Greetings from Ireland!
By William L. Holzemer, PhD, RN, FAAN, dean and Distinguished Professor, School of Nursing, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey, USA.
William Holzemer |
Greetings, colleagues, from beautiful Dublin, Ireland. Weather is mixed, but today is beautiful. There are more 1,400 attendees at this Research Congress—a record. Hot topics include: globalization of nursing, the U.S. introspective focus on whether DNP graduates do ‘research’ (a topic that does not translate globally), mentorship, communication, interprofessional practice, and evidence-based/outcomes research.
It is very encouraging to see so many talented young nurse scientists present their posters and papers. We have a strong cadre of talented researchers launching their careers. Irish song and dance provide a joyous backdrop to the pubs and Guinness beer. Rutgers is a proud sponsor of this meeting, and we are pleased to support this important work. Next year, Research Congress moves to Melbourne, Australia. See you Down Under!